JQM Alpha 4, AJAX naviagation with URL rewrites from an MVC not working?

JQM Alpha 4, AJAX naviagation with URL rewrites from an MVC not working?

I am using jquery mobile with Coldfusion and the Coldfusion framework Coldbox 3, in  JQM alpha 3 all links worked as expected (Ajax style) with the loading dialog and page transitions.

Now with the new A4 all links are now just normal links that load normally. While my application still works, its missing the AJAX navigation?

Here is an example of what a link looks like in Coldbox...

  1. <a href="http://www.example.com/MobileApp/index.cfm/Cruise/Index/?id=1&offer_id=243">

and another

  1. <a href="http://www.example.com/MobileApp/index.cfm/Cruise/Reviews/?id=1&offer_id=243">

and another...

  1. <a href="http://www.example.com/MobileApp/index.cfm/Ship/Overview/?id=1&offer_id=243">

What has changed in Alpha 4 that has made these link no longer work with Jquery Mobile's automatic AJAX navigation that was working perfectly in Alpha 3. Do I need to set a base URL?

Coldbox navigates in an MVC enviroment to the correct page and even handlers with the "/Cruise/Reviews/" and "/Ship/Overview/" in the URL.

Can anyone help me get the AJAX navigation back, is there a new setting I need to set?
