JQM+Dreamweaver+Phone Gap app works in the browser but shows no signs of CSS on the phone???

JQM+Dreamweaver+Phone Gap app works in the browser but shows no signs of CSS on the phone???

I am currently working on the Android phone application for my university senior design project utilizing combination of JQM JavaScript and Dreamweaver's Phone Gap.  I am using HTC Evo 4G, Android 2.3.5 to test my apk's.

While using JQM 1.0 along with JQ 1.6.4 that come with the Dreamweaver everything works fine.

In order to take advantage of all of the new features and bug fixes I am trying to upgrade to JQM 1.3 and JQ 1.9. Once I make this change app works flawlessly in all four major browser.  However, when I load the Phone Gap generated apk file into the phone none of the style sheets seem to apply and I am getting raw HTML.

I even tried to use combination of JQM 1.2.0 and JQ 1.8.2 but ending up with the same problem. 

Any help solving this dilemma would be greatly appreciated.