JQM iframe handling

JQM iframe handling

Hi all,
I'm building a JQM (1.3.0) web app and I need to include some content from external pages (php pages on the same server).
I'm trying to use JQM popups but I cannot make them to work properly. It seems that I can only use fixed iframe width and height.
But using fixed width/height won't work on all mobile devices, expecially when changing page orientation.
Is there a sample to look at using JQM with iframe on mobile devices?
The sample provided on JQM website are fixed width/height.
I would like to open the popup using percentages, i.e.: width 90%, height=90% but it seems that these values are ignored. I tried to set CSS to set width/height.
Perhaps it can be done with another script (fancybox) but I would like to make a use for JQM.

Is there a solution?
Or am I missing something?


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