jqm.page.params plugin fails on jQuery Mobile 1.3

jqm.page.params plugin fails on jQuery Mobile 1.3

As the subject says, the jqm.page.params plugin, still recommended in jqm 1.3 docs, doesn't work as expected.

Since the plugin lacks documentation, I followed an answer on StackOverflow to get it work: the querystring (?param1=value1&param2=value2) works fine, but the url doesn't retain it, making the target page un-bookmarkable

In other words, I end up with:
Instead of the right url, easily bookmarkable:

No problem with jqm 1.2,the querystring is retained in the url... but I'd like to use jqm 1.3 to leverage panels and to be future-proof

Any help, please?
Thanks a lot in advance!