JQM with phonegap showing "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'remove' "

JQM with phonegap showing "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'remove' "

I am using JQM 1.4.2 with phonegap i am getting error as : 
1) "Uncaught type error : Object # has no method 'remove()' file:///android_asset/www/scripts/jquery.mobile.min.js: 7 ";

on line number 7 of "jquery.mobile.min.js" there is method "this._ui.screen.remove()" 
this is happening while redirecting the pages. 
I have three different pages : home.html,reg.html,calResult.html
On these pages i have include "jquery.mobile.min.js" as i need it on all three pages.

I am redirecting all these three pages to each other by "window.location".
After this error my app gets stop by showing white screen with green dot at the center
Main question is , How JQM can give the error of it's own method despite defined in the file? Any solution for this?