jqmHide changes window scroll position

jqmHide changes window scroll position

I am using jqmShow to display a pop up and jqmHide to hide it. Because of the amount of content on the page, the user has to scroll down to get to the button that causes the popup. My problem is when the user clicks the button within the popup itself to close it and jqmHide() is called, the page is scrolled back up the very top of the page. Is there a way to call jqmHide() and not have it change the scroll location of the page?

    <div class='jqmProcessing' id='jqmCallForAvailability' style='z-index: 3000;'>
      <div id='CallForAvailability'>
        <div style="border: 1px solid #999;padding:15px;">
          Call for Availability on this category<br />
          <br/><a onclick="$('#jqmCallForAvailability').jqmHide();" id='closeCallForAvailability' class='red-button' href='#'>close</a>

I show the popup like this
$('#jqmCallForAvailability').jqm({ overlay: 0 }); $('#jqmCallForAvailability').jqmShow();

I hide the popup like this