JqPlot DateAxisRenderer Issue of improper scaling for rendering of ticks in both numberofticks and tickfrequency.
Hi Forum,
we are using jqplot for showing charts in our application.
using dateaxisrenderer for x axis.
we need to provide the ticks dynamically as we have varying date ranges to be plotted.
for eg. 1 month 1 year or 16 days etc.
data source is of this form eg. ['2012-10-09',3] , [2012-10-10],4] so date will be in X axis and value is in y axis.
issue here is if i give tickfrequency or noofTicks for some days specifically the distribution is not proper.
like values are either plotting before the given day or after.
Can anyone explain ?
Or have any idea to customize noofTicks so that it doesnt messup.