jQuery 1.1.2 ready() method causes IE7 problems?

jQuery 1.1.2 ready() method causes IE7 problems?

I debugged a tricky problem today in an app that came down to jQuery
hanging IE. I know v1.1.2 is ancient, but I am trying to understand
the root cause, so I'm just curious if anyone else has seen anything
like this. Just trying to gather info.
The problem:
On one page in a webapp, the content is fully delivered but IE
continues showing the "spinner" and "Waiting for ..." appears in the
status bar. jQuery's ready() event doesn't fire and IE just hangs in
that state.
Here is the info:
1) jQuery 1.1.2, IE7 on a dual-core HP laptop
2) Problem only happens in above configuration, and even then it is
"random". When BIOS is changed to disable dual-core, problem
3) When the IE "hack" to detect domcontentloaded is removed from the
jQuery source (and window.onload is used instead), the problem
Apparently, the hack of inserting the <script defer=true src=//:> tag
is what causes the browser to go into the hung state. I'm not really
sure what IE does internally when this kind of tag is inserted, but
somehow it is triggering a problem.
I suspect that there is an underlying problem with IE or perhaps the
drivers, or perhaps the hardware or something, and jQuery is just
exposing the underlying problem.
So, if anyone has ever seen a problem like this, please let me know so
I can try to get a little more info. Thanks!
Matt Kruse

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