jQuery 1.3.2 Bug??? - namespaced mouseenter/leave won't unbind

jQuery 1.3.2 Bug??? - namespaced mouseenter/leave won't unbind

I am using namespaced events in a widget...
.bind("mouseenter."+ namespace, addHover )
.bind("mouseleave."+ namespace, removeHover )
...so I can unbind all events at once when I 'destroy' the widget...
$P.unbind("."+ namespace) // remove events
This works fine for all events *except* mouseenter and mouseleave -
these do not unbind. They still don't unbind even when I add the
specific event name...
$P.unbind("mouseenter."+ namespace) // no worky!
I can only unbind ALL mouseenter/leave events...
This is true in both IE7 and FF3. Am I missing something, or is this a
bug? If so, I assume it's because these are 'psuedo events', not
regular DOM events?