jQuery 1.3.2 on Chrome Bug?

jQuery 1.3.2 on Chrome Bug?

I've spent way too long on this, but I was convinced that it was a bug
and I wanted to know if it was in my code, jQuery, or Google Chrome.
I've managed to factor out all of "my code" and all that is left is
this tiny little snippet which dies only on Google Chrome. Do I have
some syntactical issue here or is this a legit bug?
// jQuery 1.3.2
// Google Chrome v1.0.154.48
$(function() {
    try {
        var bugForm = $("<form><input /><input /></form>")[0];
        var bugExpr = $("textarea,input", bugForm);
        alert("Success! found "+bugExpr.length+" items");
    } catch(ex) {
It appears to die just as it enters the Array.sort method with a
cryptic DOM exception. Changing the selector from "textarea,input" to
["textarea","input"] appears to fix it.