jquery AJAX call(post) response not recognised by jquery on firefox 2.0.x

jquery AJAX call(post) response not recognised by jquery on firefox 2.0.x

We are stuck with a major problem of jquery.
We had implemented some AJAX features using jquery. It was working
fine in our earlier office. We moved over to a new office, with new
network and same old PC's and same old win XP operating system.
After moving over to the new network, the jquery AJAX calls do not
work as expected.
After some digging into jquery code, it looks like:
The jquery AJAX POST request are being sent over to the server. But
the response (readyState) is not set by the browser.
After some more debugging it appears like xhr.readyState (xhr is
XMLHttpRequest object) is not set to 4 (but rather is always 1) hence
jquery does not understand that the request is completed.
I also tested with some simple non jquery javascript based AJAX call
on the same browser. XHMLHttpRequest readyState is set to 1, 2, 3 and
finally 4 as expected. So does this mean it is jquery which is passing
some extra setting to XMLHttpRequest and hence not able to complete
the response??
The simple jquery code used by us is below:
            $.post('mailprefs', postParams, function(data) {
                        if (data.string == 'Success') {
                        } else {
                            $("#result").text("" + data.string); //error
                    }, 'json');
Atleast the AJAX call doesn't even time out but rather simply hangs.
However this does not happen with firefox 3.0, internet explorer
(within our office) and also when we use the same firefox 2.0.20
outside our corporate network( I tried it from home on same firefox
2.0.20 and AJAX calls works fine).
It is really frustrating and stressful as most of our jquery
implementations are live and no more working within our office.
Has anybody come across this problem. Please help...It is very