jQuery ajax, cant get crossdomain to work.

jQuery ajax, cant get crossdomain to work.

Hi, im working for a friend which uses jquery 1.2 we need to get some
smiley's from an other domain.
We use the following ajax code to get the smiley's:
type: "GET",
url: url_var,
data: '',
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(msg){
the page which it requests contains the following html:
<div style='float:left;cursor:pointer; padding:10px;width:10px; height:
10px;' onclick="addToText('http://nl.pokernews.com/img/xsmiles/
smile1.gif');"><img src='http://nl.pokernews.com/img/xsmiles/
smile1.gif' /></div>
And im not getting any messages or errors in firebug, but nothing
happens! Really nothing. Even when i change the url in http://google.com
nothing happens. And i've put an alert right before and after the code
to see if it really get's executed and yes it does :S
I hope someone here can help me, because i really can't find whats
wrong :s