jQuery AJAX Load - Implementation / Documentation mismatch.

jQuery AJAX Load - Implementation / Documentation mismatch.

Just a heads up;
According to the documentation (http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load);
In jQuery 1.2 you can now specify a jQuery selector in the URL. Doing
so will filter the incoming HTML document, only injecting the elements
that match the selector. The syntax looks something like "url #some >
selector". Default selector "body>*" always applies. If the URL
contains a space it should be escape()d. See the examples for more
After some tests, this is not true regarding the "default selector".
The elements within the HEAD-element in the remote HTML document will
also be included when ".load"-function is executed, and not only the
children of the BODY-element.
Example: http://www.pastebin.org/70304
I wish jQuery would do as the documentation says though :)
Having tools that parses/validates HTML-documents during builds would
complain less about invalid structures if jQuery only cared about the
contents of the BODY-tag.