jQuery Color Plugin

jQuery Color Plugin

I'm very new to jQuery, so sorry for the stupid question!
I created a little script to animate color background of a DIV and border color of another DIV in loop.
I used the jquery color plugin and the script works!! (Unbelievable)

The problem is that my script is veeery slow, and a i have problem with page loading (especially with IE)
This is the script
  1.         <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function() {
                function spectrum(){
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#aeff00" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#ff6c00" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#0086b6" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#00a4a8" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#d43795" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-main').animate( { backgroundColor: "#ffd200" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#aeff00" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#ff6c00" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#0086b6" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#00a4a8" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#d43795" }, 5000);
                    $('#rt-header').animate( { borderTopColor: "#ffd200" }, 5000);

I'm sure there a better way to do the same thing.
Here you can see a demo.(not in IE)

