jQuery Conflict With Fancybox 2.1.7 Script?

jQuery Conflict With Fancybox 2.1.7 Script?

Hi all. I know that this is not really a jQuery issue but this is causing me some grief as I don't know how resolve this. Hopefully someone might know the answer.

I am using Bootstrap 4 modal to launch a modal dialog using the following code:
  1. $("#myModalContent").modal('show'); 
Everything was working fine until I had to use another JS script called Fancybox 2.1.7. Now, everytime I try to launch the modal, I am getting the following error in the console.
  1. Uncaught TypeError: elem.setAttribute is not a function (jquery.js - line 8055)
FYI, I am using Bootstrap 4.3.1 and jQuery 3.4.1. If anyone knows how I can resolve this issue or point me to the right direction, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.