[jQuery] Conflict with Yahoo UI

[jQuery] Conflict with Yahoo UI

I was building a sortable list in activeCollab but the <ul> wouldn't work correctly and $.Sortserialize doesn't seem to exist.  The minute I remove  yui/yahoo/yahoo-min.js or yui/dom/dom-min.js  the jQuery Sortable works great.
Here is my ul.Sortable
        accept :         'sortableitem',
        activeclass :     'sortableactive',
        hoverclass :     'sortablehover',
        helperclass :     'sorthelper',
        onchange: function(s) {
            serial = $.Sortserialize('sort1');
        opacity:         0.5,
        fx:                200,
        revert:            true
I get errors that say $.Sortserialize is not a function and $("ul") has no properties when the Yahoo UI libraries are loaded.  I tried putting the jQuery includes befre and after the YUI include.  No luck.  Any idea how to work around this without eliminating the YUI libraries?
I want to use jQuery but I might be stuck using YUI if this problem persists.<br clear="all">
Jim Pringle   |   Dynamic Development Group
<a href="mailto:pringlized@gmail.com">pringlized@gmail.com</a>
   |   San Francisco, CA
Phone: 415.672.5200
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