jquery.cycle.all running early on long image lists

jquery.cycle.all running early on long image lists

I'm using jquery-cycle.all with a "longer" list of images, 18 to be exact.  The images are roughly 150KB each.  Using FF v31.0 I'm seeing a defect wherein the first time I hit my page in a new FF session the image position is misplaced, it's shifted about 50% to the right and half out of the window.  Reloading always fixes it. 

What I believe is happening is that the js script is running too early, before all the images are downloaded and causing the position calculation to be wrong.  Once the images are cached the problem goes away.  The problem does not reoccur until some time has passed.  I believe the delay is the time for the images to get dropped from the cache.

I don't see the problem with IE, Chrome or Safari.

Can someone verify (or not) that this is indeed what is happening?
If so, is there an easy fix I can hack into the script?
