[jQuery] cycle plugin: sIFR'ing cycle

[jQuery] cycle plugin: sIFR'ing cycle

Has anybody gotten a sIFR'd text element to work properly with the
cycle plugin? I can sIFR a

element, and I can create a slideshow
with that same

element, but not at the same time. The first
sIFR'd element in the slideshow shows fine, but subsequent slides
When I thought about doing it, I didn't really expect it to work -
there is so much going on there that something was bound to break.
But I thought I would try it. I tried using the latest sIFR
configuration (3r397) and the jQuery sIFR plugin (which uses sIFR 2 I
Any luck on this?
Also, is there a user-contributed cycle transitions repository? I
think that would be great to see what people come up with.