jQuery cycle2: Can I have multiple page parameters?
I'm using the Cycle2 plugin as part of a SpaciousPro theme and I need to be able to have a second set of pagers that highlight as the slides cycle through.
In the example below, I'd like to be able to add a second ID after #controllers and a second class after active to piggyback on the functionality but I'm getting an error when I attempt to do that.
Is that possible?
- if(typeof spacious_slider_value !== 'undefined') {
- var transition_effect = spacious_slider_value.transition_effect;
- var transition_delay = parseInt ( spacious_slider_value.transition_delay, 10 );
- var transition_duration = parseInt ( spacious_slider_value.transition_duration, 10 );
- jQuery('.slider-cycle').cycle({
- fx: transition_effect,
- timeout: transition_delay,
- speed: transition_duration,
- slides: '> div',
- pager: '> #controllers',
- pagerActiveClass: 'active',
- pagerTemplate: '<a></a>',
- pauseOnHover: true,
- autoHeight: 'container',
- swipe: true,
- swipeFx: 'scrollHorz',
- log: false
- });
- }