Jquery Dialog box + selection options - Sometime unable to get selection options

Jquery Dialog box + selection options - Sometime unable to get selection options

I am using Jquery Dialog box which has a select options (drop down).
The dialog is initialially hidden and on some event on main page I
display the dialog. The dialog has couple of buttons Add and Cancel.
On clicking Add I need to check the option selected and process it
accordingly and close the dialog. User can reopen the dialog by firing
the same event on the main page and make another selection and add it.
The problem I am facing is that the first time the dialog is opened
and option selected, I am able to determine the user's selection but
subsquent opening of dialog at times doesn't give be the user
selection. The selection index is -1. This does not happen in all the
time the dialog is reopened by random times. I am unable to figure or
zero down to what is the issue.
Any help/pointers to help me understand what is going wrong and
possible solution to is deeply appreciated.