jquery docs hacked with spam mcts / mcitp links

jquery docs hacked with spam mcts / mcitp links

Unsure where to post this, so here goes ...

The "Types" page (http://docs.jquery.com/Types) and "Using jQuery with Other Libraries" page (http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries) have both been hacked with spam links to some cheesy Microsoft Certified Professional vendor.

Hoping to delete the spam, I created a docs.jquery.com account, but the pages are locked, so the spam links are still there.

The links are just inserted into the markup, in both cases toward the end of the page.  Here it is at the end of the "Types" page:

  1. It is not an error; any further methods called on that jQuery object simply have no effect since they have no elements to act upon. So, in this example if there are no bad entries on the page then no elements will be colored red: [http://www.mcitpmcts.com/mcts.html mcts] [http://www.buyicert.com/mcitp.html mcitp]

     $(".badEntry").css({color: "red"})