jQuery event object

jQuery event object

I have a perfectly working script to toggle classes. ;-))
Now I have a gallery "lightgallery" which should control the toggle.
Instead of clicking on a button to toggle the classes, the classes should be toggled when the gallery opens.
I have this js to toggle my classes by click:
$(function() {
   $("body").toggleClass("scrolled-down-20"); }).scroll();

This is the code provided by lightgallery:
var $lg = $('#lightgallery'); $lg.lightGallery(); // Perform any action just before opening the gallery $lg.on('onBeforeOpen.lg',function(event){ alert('onBeforeOpen'); }); // custom event with extra parameters // index - index of the slide // fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event or mouse drag // fromThumb - true if slide function called via thumbnail click $lg.on('onBeforeSlide.lg',function(event, index, fromTouch, fromThumb){ console.log(index, fromTouch, fromThumb); });
