Jquery File Upload Controller Not attaching the file

Jquery File Upload Controller Not attaching the file


Using jquery fileupload control, I am trying to attach files. I written below piece of code. When I run the application, it is displaying browse button for attaching files. My requirement is when I attach the filesAnd click on the browse button, data should be posted to the API controller mentioned under URL section in the below code. But right now it is not processing attached file and also it is not calling API controller.

I am testing this application in IE.  

< body >

    < script src ="../../Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></ script >< script src ="../../Scripts/jquery-ui-1.11.2.min.js"></ script >< script src ="../JS/jquery.fileupload.js"></ script >   

     < script src ="../JS/jquery.iframe-transport.js"></ script >  


    < input id ="uploadfile" type ="file" name ="file" multiple ="multiple">


     < script type ="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready( function () {        

            $( '#uploadfile' ).fileupload({

                replaceFileInput: true ,

               url:<<Here I mentioned API controller address’,

                type: 'POST' ,

                dataType: 'json' ,

                done: function (e, data) { }



  </ script ></ body >

I am not getting any errors. But it is not processing attached file and also it is not calling API controller .

 Can you please guide me whether i have to make any other changes other than mentioned above in order to process the attached file and post it to API controller OR is there any other approach other than using jquery file upload control.