I have a selector in a find function that works with jQuery 3.3.1 and before that doesn't in 3.4.0 and 3.4.1. I am using it on an xhtml jQuery document object that I have used $.parseXML on. I am using the full version of jQuery.
I have looked into the jQuery changelogs and see nothing that should affect this, as well as in the source changes on github.
I have tested the find with .class and #id and it works, but the IDs will be dynamic so I need to search by attribute name. There will also be multiple spans that I need to manipulate which is why I need a .each(function). Currently we are freezing our dependency to jQuery 3.3.1 because it works as expected but in 3.4.0+ it doesn't even enter the function.
I will add examples of the broken code with the jQuery version that works as well as the other one. The only difference is the jQuery version.