JQUERY Flicker to Top

JQUERY Flicker to Top

Hi ... help desperately needed,,
I am confronted with the problem -after some serious time in development using jquery mobile- that on $.mobile.changepage the changing page (if scrolled down on change time)  first scrolls to the top before changing. This produces a very irritating (unacceptable) user experience. Apparently this is standard JQ behaviour. Why this has not been addressed (it is a known problem) is a mystery to me. If I do not get this fixed, I am ditching JQ altogether, with months and months of development down the drain.  
Researching this problem on the net, a number of solutions are put forward:
1. Use iScroll.js. Which I have implemented to success. (verified and tested that it works in my scenario)... only it does not solve the problem.
2. Implemented IscrollView. Also to success and verified. Also does not solve the problem.
3. Implemented $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll=0. Same result.
4. Some suggest that if you use transition: none on changepage, that the problem disappears. No.
Anybody any tips for a  decent way forward ???