[jQuery] $(form).submit() validation and multiple forms

[jQuery] $(form).submit() validation and multiple forms

I have built out a fairly rhobust app using jquery and jquery-ui all
was going well until we started to bring different screens together
inside a tabbed interface. Seems that now when we execute our
validation code on one form its checking the fields of all other forms
on the page.
All of my forms do have unique ID's and all elements within all forms
have unique ID's.
My understanding of using this.find inside of the submit event was
that it should only find the forms elements am I wrong?
Method that performs the actual validation:
function validateForm(event){
var allOk = true;
var elem = $(this);
var val = elem.attr('validation');
var fn = elem.attr('id');
var ok = true;
if(val!='') eval('ok = '+val+';');
ok = (ok)?true:false;
if(allOk&&(!ok)) elem.focus();
if(ok) elem.removeClass('error');
var elem = $(this);
var fn = elem.attr('id');
var val = elem.attr('validation');
var ok = true;
if(val!='') eval('ok = '+val+';');
if(ok) elem.removeClass('error');
allOk = allOk && ok;
this.valid = allOk;
if(!allOk) if(event) event.preventDefault();
return allOk;
Initialized with (inside document.ready):
- Jeremy