jquery grid

jquery grid

i m using jquery grid but nothing appears pleaasse help !!! thanks
grid .php
  1. <?php 
  2. require_once 'jq-config.php'; 
  3. // include the jqGrid Class 
  4. require_once ABSPATH."php/jqGrid.php"; 
  5. // include the driver class 
  6. require_once ABSPATH."php/jqGridPdo.php"; 
  7. // Connection to the server 
  8. //$conn = new PDO(DB_DSN,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD); 
  9. try {
  10.   $dns = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=gestion_conges';
  11.   $utilisateur = 'root';
  12.   $motDePasse = '';
  13.   $conn= new PDO( $dns, $utilisateur, $motDePasse );
  14. } catch ( Exception $e ) {
  15.   echo "Connection à MySQL impossible : ", $e->getMessage();
  16.   die();
  17. }
  18. // MySQL specific command for the charset 
  19. // Tell the db that we use utf-8 
  20. $conn->query("SET NAMES utf8"); 
  21. // Create the jqGrid instance 
  22. $grid = new jqGridRender($conn); 
  23. // Data from this SQL is 1252 encoded, so we need to tell the grid 
  24. // Set the SQL Data source 
  25. $table = 'personnel'; 
  26. $grid->SelectCommand ='SELECT * FROM '.$table; 
  27. // set the ouput format to XML 
  28. $grid->dataType = 'json'; 
  29. // Let the grid create the model 
  30. $grid->setColModel(); 
  31. // set labels in the header 
  32. $grid->setColProperty("nom", array("label"=>"Nom")); 
  33. $grid->setColProperty("prenom", array("label"=>"Prenom")); 
  34. $grid->setColProperty("date", array("label"=>"Date de naissance")); 
  35. $grid->setColProperty("cin", array("label"=>"CIN")); 
  36. $grid->setColProperty("type", array("label"=>"Type")); 
  37. $grid->setColProperty("num1", array("label"=>"Téléphone(1)")); 
  38. $grid->setColProperty("num2", array("label"=>"Téléphone(2)")); 
  39. $grid->setColProperty("adresse", array("label"=>"Adresse")); 
  40. $grid->setColProperty("matricule", array("label"=>"Matricule")); 

  41. $grid->setUrl('grid.php'); 
  42. // Set some grid options 
  43. //$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum"=>10,"rowList"=>array(10,20,30),"sortname"=>"CategoryID"));
  44. // Enable toolbar searching 
  45. $grid->toolbarfilter = true; 
  46. $grid->setFilterOptions(array("stringResult"=>true)); 
  47. // Enjoy 
  48. $grid->renderGrid('#grid','#pager',true, null, null, true,true); 
  49. $conn = null; 
  50. ?>