[jQuery] how append part of xml response from ajax to dom ?

[jQuery] how append part of xml response from ajax to dom ?

Hi, i was searching but i didn't find working solution.
I've got xml document and i like to extract part of it and append to
one element in dom tree.
<data><tr><td><button>name of button</button></td></tr></data>
<data><tr><td><button>name of button 2</button></td></tr></data>
and i need to retrieve data betwwen <data> and </data> tags which are
valid html tags - with js etc
this code is only example and content between data can be diffrent so
i can write one code
before i try jQuery i was using this piece of code to convert this to
but it wasn't working corectly if i used script (in
onclick="javaxcript here")
function PrzelecDOM(obiekt) {
    var tmpobiekt;
    if(obiekt.nodeType == 3) {
        tmpobiekt = document.createTextNode(obiekt.nodeValue);
    else {
        tmpobiekt = document.createElement(obiekt.tagName);
    if (isIE) {
        var atrybuty = obiekt.attributes;
        if (atrybuty && atrybuty.length > 0) {
            for (var a = 0; a < obiekt.attributes.length; a++) {
                if (obiekt.attributes[a].name == 'class') {
                    tmpobiekt.setAttribute('className', obiekt.attributes[a].value);
                else {
    else {
        if (obiekt.hasAttributes()) {
            var atrybuty = obiekt.attributes;
            for (var a = 0; a < atrybuty.length; a++) {
                tmpobiekt.setAttribute(atrybuty[a].name, atrybuty[a].value);
    if (obiekt.hasChildNodes() > 0) {
        var dzieci = obiekt.childNodes;
        for (var a = 0; a < dzieci.length; a++) {
    return tmpobiekt;
Maybe somebody will help me with suggestions.
Tahnks in advance

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