[jQuery] How-to suggestion

[jQuery] How-to suggestion

I'm building a little UI control with 3 buttons that slide one of
three DIVs (corresponding to the UI control button pushed) that reside
inside a container DIV. Something like:
<a class="button red">Red</a>
<a class="button blue">Blue</a>
<a class="button green">Green</a>
<div class="container">
<div id="red">Red stuff here</div>
<div id="blue">Blue stuff here</div>
<div id="green">Green stuff here</div>
So... The container DIV is, say, 200px wide. Each internal DIV is also
200px wide. So only one is visible at any time. The user clicks <a
class="button green">Green</a>, and the container DIV smoothly scrolls
from left-to-right (red to blue). (I don't want scroll bars to appear
(overflow:hidden). I just want the view to slide left or right between
the red, green, blue DIVs.)
I found some plug-ins that do shuffling of photos (the Cycle plugin
looks very nice), but this is a single, simple feature, with no fancy
transitions (other than sliding), I'd like to do it with core jQuery.
Any suggestions on a basic implementation
$("a.button").live("click", function(){ ...