[jQuery] IE caching AJAX requests?

[jQuery] IE caching AJAX requests?

It looks like IE is caching the response for some AJAX requests here.
The app I'm working on is a catalog of sorts. Clicking the link for a
category loads a set of "items". Those, in turn, may be deleted from
the admin view. The delete works fine (I checked the DB) but, when
loading the same set of category items, I'm seeing the list unchanged.
That is, the thing that was deleted is still there.
Sorry for the crap explanation but I'm not really sure of a better way
of putting it. Bottom line is, has anyone seen this sort of behavior
with IE before? Can it cache the result of an AJAX request like that?
And, if so, how can I guard against that? Can I set cache-control
headers for an AJAX request?