[jQuery] Insert Html and a Javascript function with Jquery .html

[jQuery] Insert Html and a Javascript function with Jquery .html

Not sure the best way to do this, but I am trying to build a menu with
a function then to insert it into the dom with jquery. I have tried
bothe the methods below to no avail. All I am getting is "undefined"
where the new links should be. If anyone can tell me what I am doing
wrong, or give a little hint on a better way to code this, you would
save the day
//The menu function
function buildMenu()
var i;
for (i in menu1)
     var menuItem = menu1[i];
// The jquery manipulation Attempt #1
$(".MainMenu").html("<div class='MainMenuItems'>" + buildMenu() + "</
// Attempt #2
$(".MainMenu").html("<div class='MainMenuItems'><script>buildMenu();</