[jQuery] jQuery debugging issues

[jQuery] jQuery debugging issues

I've been working on a project that uses xml. But for some reason, it
does not work in internet explorer. And after hours and hours of
debugging, I cannot figure out why. I would deeply appreciate it if
you could help me. I hope this isn't asking too much, but what is
wrong from the code below? (I'm hoping I'm just blind and someone sees
it right away)
$(function() {
type: "GET",
url: "videos.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {
var thumb = $(this).children
                         var title = $(this).children("title").text();
                         var text = $(this).children("content").text();
                         var link = $(this).children("link").text();
$('<div class="panel-preview"></div>')
.html( thumb + '<h1>' + title + '</

' + text + '

<a class="articlelink" title="Click here to
watch the video here">Watch</a>
<a href="' + link + '"
class="articlelink" title="Click here to read more">View Article</a>')
}); //close each(
}); //close $.ajax(
}); //close $(
Thankyou very much,