[jQuery] jQuery tab hiding content

[jQuery] jQuery tab hiding content

My jQuery tabs are not always showing content when the tab panels are
clicked. I have 5 tabs, 3 of which are produced via ajax calls.
When I click on 2 of the 3 dynamically produced data panels, their
content is not shown. However, when I view their source in the web
browser I can see the desired html.
Interestingly, when I add static code to the dynamic panel, the panel
then shows all the content. For example:
<div id="list" class="ui-tabs-panel"> <!-- List Tab -->
<h4>Listing:</h4> // when I remove this static content the
div below cannot be seen.
<div id="memberList"></div> // on page load a js script
makes an ajax call which insert content into this div
Anyone know why in order to see the dynamic content I need to add the
static content to the panel?