[jQuery] Jquery & Taconite, PHP & Mysql

[jQuery] Jquery & Taconite, PHP & Mysql

Ok, first off new to jquery and taconite. What I am trying to do is a
variation of the classic stock ticker display. I have a table that is
database driven, I want a periodical update of that information. I was
trying to use prototype to do this but then I came across taconite and
thought with it's ability to update multiple divs it was right what I
was after.
So now that I've given a brief background this is where I am at:
I have a html table poplulated. every updatable element is in it's own
I want to periodcally query mysql, the "item_id" is the only query
parameter I need to send so am I on the right track here? And will
this "fire" for every "item_id" displayed in my table or do I need a
separate "get" for each one?
$.get('data1.php'); \\ request data
<?php header('Content-type: text/xml');
$query="select * from table_name where item_id =" & how do I pass the
necessary item_id?
<?=echo $query_result['current_bid'];?>
<?=echo $query_result['current_ask'];?>
Going 1 step further, if I am on the right track, how do I make this
"get" a periodical update?
Thank you in advance for your help. After taking cobol in the 70's,
this old fart is trying to keep up with all this new-fangled ajax &
oop et all :)