[jQuery] jqueryui's sortable and Flash

[jQuery] jqueryui's sortable and Flash

I've spend an insane amount of time on this issue but can't find a
solution, hopefully someone else has encountered (and solved) it.
I've created a simple <ul> list, with a bunch of <li>. One of the
<li> is actually a Flash object that has its own event handlers for
mouse clicks. However, the jquery's handlers always take precedence.
When I try to interact with the flash object, it instantly becomes a
draggable object.
I've (unsuccessfully) tried to:
- unblind click handlers for the Flash object -> $
- bind a new click handler to the Flash object -> $
('flash_object').click(function(event) {event.stopImmediatePropagation
I also tried various combinations of HTML tricks, no luck.
Thanks for your expertise!