jQuery JSON Form is only sending Pre-Poluated Values

jQuery JSON Form is only sending Pre-Poluated Values

I have a form. I have pre-populated the values using JSON/Web Service. 

  1. <tr id="">
    <td class="tleft">
    <label for="nickname" class="fieldLabel"><span class="ui-small-text">Nick Name:</span></label> 
    </td class="tright">
    <td class="tright">
       <input name="nickname" type="text"  class="nickname" />

Populated Using: 

  1. $(".nickname").val(person.nickname);

I am sending the form back to another URL using JSON. I verified that works by using a hidden field that isnt populated to see if its updating, but for some reason, all fields being populated, when changed on the screen, still send the same values they were populated with. 

Thank You.