[jQuery] $.load(url) and IE fails to find CSS/JS

[jQuery] $.load(url) and IE fails to find CSS/JS

I'm sure this is a stupid error on my part but it's
driving me crazy. I have a bit of html that I want to
inject into my page like so:
Now this works, but I find that if 'page.html'
contains a script and style section IE won't process
it, but Firefox seems to. What I mean is that if the
'pages.html' itself contains some inline javascript
than Firefox will execute it but IE doesn't.
So for example my 'pages.html' might look like (this
is abbreviated, but I think you'll get the idea):
<div id="container">
form { ... }
$()ready({ ... });
<!-- More html that the above works on -->
Putting aside for the moment about whether or not
inline script sections is a good idea or not, does
anyone know why this would work on Firefox only and is
there any workarounds? My client's setup makes
anything but inline scripting a nightmare, so I am
hoping to solve this. If I can't make this work I'll
have to us popup windows, so please help me :)
I saw something in the docs about $.getScript versus
$.get but I didn't see how this could help. The only
thing I found was a call to "evalScripts" in the
source, but I couldn't find documentation for that, so
I didn't play with it.
John Napiorkowski

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