jQuery Mobie1.3 panels don't support accordion or nested lists?

jQuery Mobie1.3 panels don't support accordion or nested lists?

I'm trying to make a fairly complex site with a lot of working parts and the navigation needs to be really simple for the end-user so I'm using a panel they can swipe-in or that is fixed on the left when it's wider than 55em (yay RWD!) -- thing is, the panel refuses to work when I try putting in a collapsible-set or a nested links menu. I have "main" items and "sub" items in the navigation menu and the end-user shouldn't have problems finding what they need fairly quickly. I would just use list-dividers but some of the sub-sections has more sub-sections, and the amount of sub-sections is actually dynamic based off what project details are in the database.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
