Jquery Mobile 1.1.1 and ControlGroup

Jquery Mobile 1.1.1 and ControlGroup

Hi everybody, I'm using Jquery Mobile 1.1.1 (and I can't update to 1.3.1 version).
I'm trying this example (found here http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.1/dist/demos/widgets/controlgroups/ in the "Controlgroup horizontal" ) :
< form >
     < fieldset data-role = "controlgroup" data-type = "horizontal" >
         < button data-icon = "home" >Home</ button >
         < button data-icon = "search" data-iconpos = "notext" >Search</ button >
         < label for = "select-more-1a" class = "ui-hidden-accessible" >More</ label >
         < select name = "select-more-1a" id = "select-more-1a" >
             < option value = "" >Select…</ option >
             < option value = "#" >One</ option >
             < option value = "#" >Two</ option >
             < option value = "#" >Three</ option >
         </ select >
     </ fieldset >
</ form >

Unfortunately with jquery 1.1.1 the button "Search" is not as

high as the two others
I have got the same problem with this example :

< div data-role = "controlgroup" data-type = "horizontal" >
     < a href = "#" data-role = "button" data-icon = "delete"  data-iconpos = "notext" ></ a >
     < a href = "#" data-role = "button" data-icon = "delete"d ata-iconpos = "right" >Right</ a >
</ div >

I presume it comes from the data-iconpos="notext" value.
Any idea ?