jQuery Mobile 1.4.5

jQuery Mobile 1.4.5

Hi everyone,

first off may I begin by apologising in advance if I have submitted this query to the wrong area, I am so new to this subject that I have no idea whatsoever if this belongs in "Getting Started" or "Using jQuery" or "Using jQuery Plugins" such is the depth and breadth of my ignorance.
I have come to this forum in the hope of getting some assistance with what I suspect is a jquery problem that I have.  I say suspect because really have no idea with regards to using jQuery, but when I requested assistance from the jimdo people they said that the problems were related to the code I had added and the only code that carried any functions was the Query code, so I am assuming it has to be that.
I have created a website using jimdo, which on its own probably relates the almost total lack of coding knowledge I have, at least compared to the authors of "jQuery Mobile 1.4.5".  I am not a programmer or coder, though I succesfully manipulated the html from an example that employed jQuery Mobile 1.4.5.  However there has appeared a "menu" with a "radio button" in a column/sidebar on the site which I did not want and which seems to serve absolutely no purpose whatsover and therefore is wasting footprint real-estate on my site, if you catch my drift.  If anyone could advise or assist me in removing it I would be extremely grateful.  Also whenever I use the back button after navigating pages from within the menu system created by jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 I get a menu nested within the menu as a result.  Fortunately this is resolved once navigation is made from outside the menu navigation, however, it is not conducive to positive user experience and so it would be best if this also could be resolved by not occurring in the first place.
The site where this is occurring is buddhawisdom.jimdo.com and like I said, any assistance or advice would be received with gratitude.
thanking anyone in advance,