Jquery mobile 1.4 navigation problems and ajax disable problems

Jquery mobile 1.4 navigation problems and ajax disable problems

The new jQuery mobile navigation is really causing a lot of trouble. Most of the bugs are not visible at all.
Have a look at this for example:

I have a 3 page structure like this:


I use this script for navigation:

 $(".navigate").on("vclick", function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer ("change",$(this).attr("id")+".html" );

Each page has a link like this:

index.html => <a class="navigate" id="test">TEST</a>
 test.html => <a class = "navigate" id="folder1/page1">PAGE1</a>

All navigations use Ajax transitions.

The problem is when I navigate to page1.html via index.html -> test.html and from page1.html, if I navigate back to index.html using the browser back button and again navigate to page1.html as stated above my page1.html, it automatically redirects back to events.html, but the URL will be showing the proper address of page1.html

The same errors occur without any pattern.

What is happening here?

So I thought of disabling ajax navigation for few particular links dynamically:

$(".someClass").on("vclick", function(){ $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer ("change", $(this).attr("id")+".html", {reload: true}); });

But even this does not work. Because page does not refresh at all. Can someone sort this out?