jQuery Mobile Architecture Documentation

jQuery Mobile Architecture Documentation


We are a team of four graduate students at Delft University of Technology working on a Software Architecture course (twitter: https://twitter.com/DelftSWA; professor:  https://twitter.com/avandeursen ). We have tried to contact various members of the jQuery Mobile team on Twitter, but to no avail. We are working on documenting the architecture of jQuery Mobile and direct interaction with the developers about this documentation would be great. The project is hosted on github, but the repository is private, as it is used for internal university assessment. If you want access to the repository to see what we have done so far, please contact us, either through this forum or via twitter ( https://twitter.com/danielvdende). We have created extensive documentation on stakeholders, context view, architectural sketches (functional view, implementation design, architecture design etc.) and more. We would gladly contribute to the project and would love to hear your opinion on what we are doing and have done.

So please, contact us to get access to the github repository and hopefully we can collaborate to make the architectural documentation for jQuery Mobile even better!


Lie Yen, Nathan, Vincent & Daniel