jquery mobile button clicking buttons on next page phonegap android 4.3

jquery mobile button clicking buttons on next page phonegap android 4.3

I am currently playing with an app written with jquery mobile and phonegap. Last night my galaxy s3 ota updated to android 4.3. When I click on a button on the home page it is changing to the correct page There is a button on the second page, which is in the same location as the first button, it is highlighting and then the app loads the page the second abutton links to. I have posted the app to a webserver it works correctly with chrome on desktop and droid but the error occurs when viewed with the android default brower. The app also works correctly in phonegap on an iPhone. the app is hosted at www.mychurchonline.com.au it is not minified so please have a look at the source it is only a simple thing. Any help would be appreciated.