jquery mobile: custom back button

jquery mobile: custom back button

Hi all,

I have the following situation. Inside one page I load dynamic content via web services. Something like:
1st level => Sports list  desc: (when user clicks on specific sport) then I load all states
2nd level => States list desc: (when user clicks on specific state) then I load all leagues
3rd level => Leagues list


So I am able to do custom "back button" in a form normal jquery mobile button <a date-role="button">Back</a>, then I dynamic change onclick attr to put function name which will be called. (eg. currently I am on States list, and I put onclick ="GenereteSportsList" in back button ).
but I would like to override behavior of jquery mobile default back button in a way that i can put custom href or onclick attribute.

Hope I was clear enough :).

Thanks in advance,