jquery mobile json listview - all the list loaded at one time

jquery mobile json listview - all the list loaded at one time

i have a problem with json parsing listview as all the list loaded at one time so take many time as its big so i hope to find a way that make it loaded as how a webpage loaded one by one

here is the code i use

  1. $.getJSON(url1, function(json) {
            $('#blogList li').remove();

            $.each(json.posts, function(i,dat) {
            output='<li data-icon="false">';
            output += '<a href="singlePost.html?id=' + dat.id + '">';
            output +='<div class="ui-li-aside">';
            output+='<h3 id="titleMain">' + dat.title + '&nbsp;(' + dat.comment_count + ')</h3>';
        //    output+='<h4 id="authorMain">' + dat.author.name + '</h4>';
            //output+='<p class="ui-li-aside">';
            output += (dat.thumbnail) ?
              '<img id="img" src="' + dat.thumbnail + '" alt="' + dat.title + '" class="ui-li-icon-right" width="100px" height="100px"/>':
              '<img src="Untitled.png" alt="View Source Logo"  class="ui-li-icon-right" width="100px" height="100px"/>';
          //   output+='</p>';
            output +='</div>';