jquery mobile Navbar persistent state

jquery mobile Navbar persistent state

Been working on a Phonegap + JQM app for iOS (with multi-page document structure, and persistent header, and footer/navbar) for sometimes now. The recent jqm framework upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3 gave rise to a new issue that I am now trying to fix. The issue of button not retaining its active state (when you are already at the page where the button/anchor is pointing to and you clicked/tapped it) seems to exist on jqm documentation/demo pages as well:

When you are already at a page, say [Info], the [Info] button will retain its active/highlighted state correctly, when you click on (or tap on) it; The same also applies to [Friends], [Albums], [Emails] buttons.

Repeating the same steps on for 1.3.0 here, and the buttons will not retain their active states.

Any idea what I am missing here?