JQuery Mobile ready for enterprize application development usage?

JQuery Mobile ready for enterprize application development usage?

I am a fan of JQuery. I am tracking the development of JQuery Mobile library. What I have observed is that, the UI that JQM creates doesn't give Native look and feel, just like other Mobile Framework like Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, Kendo UI. Also, there are few issues present in the current library, such as it gets stuck sometimes in between. So my question is, when can we expect a version which is really acceptable for usage of Mobile Web Application Development for Enterprise level applications (not just demo applications)
Few thoughts:
1. The CSS needs improvement, so that the UI appear more natural and native. It shouldn't look like watching a web page, rather it should look more like Native.
2. Please provide different way for representing Lists. The current way of representing lists (with arrow on right) doesn't look that classy. (I know the list can be customized but the initial impression goes wrong, when we open http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.2.1/ url and see bunch of list items)
I love the simplicity of developing application using JQM, but I just feel that its not yet ready to be accepted at enterprise level. So please think on these points.