jquery mobile, requirejs, backbone demo not behaving. css styling is delayed

jquery mobile, requirejs, backbone demo not behaving. css styling is delayed

I've recreated the jquery mobile example here:

At first I used the latest everything, jquery(1.9.1), jquery mobile(1.3.0), backbone(1.0.0), lodash(1.1.0), requireJS(2.1.5) to build the same example on my local machine(windows8, nginx1.3.15)

It's functional except that on page load and refreshing the css styling is delayed by a fraction of a second. It's even worse on less powerful mobile devices like an iPod touch 2nd gen(iOS4).

So I decided to try using EXACTLY the same files as the demo.  I copied them all locally and STILL get exactly the same problem!

Any thoughts or ideas why the CSS styling is delayed on my local machine? I literally have exactly the same html, javascript files, order, everything except the same server.

I don't see this issue happening on the jquerymobile.com demo ever! even when i clear cache, cookies, try new browser.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks