jQuery Mobile Slider : Need urgent help.

jQuery Mobile Slider : Need urgent help.

We are working on an web application that includes quite a bit of graphics work around jQuery utilities such as jQuery mobile slider and other jQuery stuff. 

Can any one help to provide a fix/workaround for this particular thing. 

It’s about providing a comma separated currency text field in a built in JQuery slider text control. By Default its supports only normal integers and not supporting commas/strings. 

If commas are added tweaking the JQuery script, all the nearby images present in the jQuery will get misaligned. Making it work in all browsers is another challenge 

Thanks in advance & Expecting some expert advice .

Below is the ASP.NET Code

 <div class="grid-65 mobile-grid-100 slider-group">

            <div class="slider-label slider-left" id="minAnnualIncome">



                <div class="slider-label slider-right">



            <div class="input-label">

                Annual salary (Before tax)</div>


                <input type="range" name="slider2value" id="slider2value" value="<%=strAnnualIncome%>" min="<%=minAnnualIncome%>" max="<%=maxAnnualIncome%>" data-corners="false" class="dollar ui-hidden-accessible" />


Screenshot(no comma)

Sample code

 var textVal = $("#salaryPreTax").val();


            if (textVal > 500000 && textVal <= 2500000)

                $("#slider2value").parent().find(".ui-slider-handle").css("left", "100%");

            else if (textVal > 2500000)

                textVal = 500000;

            $("#slider2value").trigger("change", [{ value: textVal}]);


Raj Krishnan