jQuery Mobile Sliders within slider group can influence one another

jQuery Mobile Sliders within slider group can influence one another

Hi, I have an odd issue I can't seem to resolve that involves jqm slider widgets.  The problem does not occur regularly and only on my Android phone when using the Phonegap app I have created which uses the sliders...

I have around 8 pages that contain different groups of sliders (groups of 2 or 3 sliders per page). Aside from the sliders responding slowly on my phone, the sliders seem to work fine save for one irregular problem- if I drag the handle of one slider and then change to the handle of another slider, sometimes (not very often) the newly selected handle will control the earlier handle as well... when this happens, the older slider's value snaps to wherever the newly controlled handle is (If I left the old slider's value at 8 and then start dragging another handle which starts at 3, then the older slider's value & handle will snap to 3 and I begin dragging both handles and changing both their values)

Here is a jsFiddle with the current code... however I doubt you will be able to reproduce the problem if using the widgets from a browser... only seems to happen in my Phonegap app, on my phone which is much less responsive than when using in browser... This makes me think that it is an issue related to performance (maybe the device isn't registering that the selected handle has changed quickly enough? Even so, not sure how to fix that...) :

Contains one page of slider group:

Thank you for any help!